by Web Admin | Dec 8, 2018 | Student Testimonials
“I think the program does a great job at reminding Summer bridgers that help/ resources are available if needed. The PG meetings were very helpful to me personally because I was able to address any issues I was struggling with which ultimately led me to get...
by Web Admin | Dec 8, 2018 | Student Testimonials
“I think taking classes over the Summer was the most useful experience. I adjusted to large class sizes, got an idea of the workload I could expect, and became comfortable using online learning environments. In addition, I learned the logistics of everyday college...
by Web Admin | Dec 8, 2018 | Student Testimonials
“I think that meeting people really helped me because I had developed a support group for when times were getting rough with school or with other friends. Summer Bridge got me adjusted to living away from home and living in the dorms. Because of summer bridge, I have...
by Web Admin | Dec 8, 2018 | Student Testimonials
“The most valuable thing was having a support system that I knew I could always come to when I need help with anything. Janet and the SSI staff were always more than willing to help me and I can never thank them enough for their unending support.”
by Web Admin | Dec 8, 2018 | Student Testimonials
“The experience of it all was extremely helpful and I’m super grateful for summer bridge, because my first year would have been completely different. Summer bridge made me feel comfortable at UCI.”